Hi. So today I want to talk about pain on the
inside of the foot and the ankle. What I'm talking about is right along here
underneath your ankle bone and cruising down attaching to the inside of your foot. That's actually the attachment of a muscle
or tendon that's called the posterior tibialis, and it's one of the most hardest working tendons
in your foot. It helps to slow you down as you hit the ground
and helps to push you forward as you go forward. So if either of those activities are being
done a lot during exercise, for example, that tendon can getover worked. Also if your foot is flattening out too much,
that tendon works very hard to try and support your foot. Now if you look over at this picture you can
actually see that tendon attaching to the back of your leg, cruising on down underneath
your ankle bone and they're attaching the inside of your foot.
So if you think about that tendon like this
rubber band here attaching in there, if anything puts tension on it, it's going to start to
get painful over time. So our whole goal when we treat this problem,
just like we take this rubber band and we make it tight there or we make it loose here,
our goal is to reduce tension on that tendon. And this is where a lot of treatments fail. They don't do enough to try and reduce tension
on the tendon. So there's several different ways to do that.
Now one of the simplest ways is to just make
sure you're wearing a stable shoe. A stable shoe will help stop you from rolling
in. If you go to our website and search for shoe
lists, we have a list of shoes that you can download that fit that criteria. Number two is to use a good arch support inside
your shoe. This is just an over-the-counter arch support,
fairly inexpensive. By going underneath the arch here helps stop
it from going down. That takes tension off of the tendon. You can again find a list on our website. Just go to the website, do a search for posterior
tibial tendonitis or posterior tibial, and that will pop right up. You can even look for inside of foot pain.
Now if that 's not enough we can use a custom
orthotic. Custom orthotics work better because they
conform tighter to the arch of the foot. So that if somebody has chronic pain, not
just a short term condition, they're a more chronic condition then we may use a custom
orthotic simply to take more tension off that tendon. Finally even for around the house, using a
flip flop or a sandal like this that has really good arch support, this one has really exceptional
arch support, stops it from going down. If you're having this type of pain try to
avoid going barefoot. Now if you initially have the pain and it's
not getting better and especially if these simple things are not working, definitely
come in and see us. What we may need to do is put you in a waking
boot like this one for a week or two just to take more tension off of there and to allow
the tendon to heal.
Again tension is really key. If you just imagine that tendon as a rubber
band, anytime that you are pulling on it, it has more potential to get injured. So don't live with this problem. Anytime you have pain on the inside of the
ankle it's usually very treatable. Either if you're in our area make an appointment
to see us, if you're not go to the website, do a search for posterior tibial tendoitis
and you'll find all the information you need to take care of this problem. If you liked this video please subscribe to
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